Featured accommodation includes completely furbished units only. Total available sleeping places are featured in respective accommodation descriptions and price lists. Prices quoted are for accommodation units per day, without regard to actual number of guests or children. Total number of cited persons or beds may not be exceeded (exception being small children sharing beds with parents). Price quoted for a room refers to price of bed per day.


rent of accommodation facility, bed linen, kitchen or kitchenette equipped with basic kitchen utensils, electricity, water, gas and final cleaning. Prices relate to accommodation for the duration of at least seven (7) days. The day of your arrival and departure during shoulder season is determined by you, while transfers during high season (July and August) are strictly limited to Saturdays, with the exception being transit regions.


Cited distances are estimates of distance in a straight line and serve for the purpose of location description only. Keys are presented by the landlord on respective premises. Time of arrival is arbitrary. In practice, prior guests vacate facilities during morning hours so that the facility may be cleaned and prepared for occupation by the next guest.


Upon receipt of your Inquiry form (separate forms for varying accommodation options are required) you shall receive an invoice for the requested facility or first available most attractive facility. If you accept the offered arrangement, the requested facility is reserved and withdrawn from circulation for the duration of the agreed period enabling you to pay the requested holding fee. The holding fee is based on a maximum of three (3) days of accommodation and is based upon our responsibilities towards the landlord. Once payment is received we shall forward you a reservation of accommodation voucher. Up until such time we shall accept no responsibility whatsoever. Remaining fees shall be paid in Croatian currency (Kuna) at the mean exchange rate dictated by the Croatian National Bank upon your arrival at our tourist agencies or directly to the landlord in regions where such agencies do not exist. Immediate payment of the entire amount enables you to save up to 8 to 9% on accommodation costs which would otherwise be contributed to exchange rate disparities and fees.


Please refer to specific houses in Inquiry forms only if you wish confirmation of availability and an offer for selected houses without alternatives. You will receive a far greater choice of houses if you only specify the desired holiday location. Should you select your holiday location option as “all the same”, you will receive an offer of available accommodation from our entire listing. You can then select a house from those listed that best suites your requirements.


Once you receive an offer for a house of your choice within the period of your choice, please do not send new Inquiry forms. Should you receive an offer of alternative accommodation, please chose only from accommodation offered. Compare prices based on price lists of individual houses. Otherwise, we will be required to bill reservation fees of 25,00 EUR for every additional Inquiry form.


any changes regarding travel information (date of travel, number of persons traveling, amount owing, additional services…) will require issuance of new travel documentation. With the exception of outstanding amounts (for lump sum payment of outstanding amount within specified time frame), all alterations will ensue a charge to the amount of 25.00 EUR.


Reservations may be canceled at any time. In such cases a flat fee of 50 EUR will be charged per order in due of accrued expenses (processing, telephone, remittance...) and additionally:
up to 60 days prior to travel - amount to the value of three day board
60 - 30 days prior to travel - amount to the value of four day board
30 - 15 days prior to travel - amount to the value of five day board
15 - 0 days prior to travel - amount in total.


Cancellation date is the date of receipt of your written confirmation. All amounts paid in excess of aforementioned cancellation fees will be immediately remitted to your cited transfer account. Should you decide not to realize prior arranged reservation for whatever reason without timely prior notice, decline accommodation reserved or alternative offered, all paid amounts will be withheld in full. Consequently we suggest that you insure yourself against cancellation fees.


Compensation of contractual cancellation fees in the case of travel cancellation prior to commencement of service as derived from conditions insured.


with the exception of point a) of conditions insured, voluntary levy is charged to the amount of a flat processing expense (50 EUR).


insurance claims can be made by:
person insured
next of kin (close relatives, spouse) of person insured
Conditions insured include:
a) severe accident, unexpected serious illness or death
b) pregnancy, in case that risk of travel is great
c) damage accrued to property of insured party resulting from fire, accident due to natural forces, or criminal act by third party
d) receipt of notice by employer, or commencement of work following unemployment
insurance premium comprises 2.5% of total travel expenditure


Obligations of insured party at commencement of conditions of insurance:
insured party is obligated to, cancel travel immediately after commencement of insured condition in order to reduce cancellation expenses to a minimum. prove severe accident, unexpected serious illness or pregnancy with a medical certificate, or in case of death with a death certificate.
forward notice of discharge in case of cessation of employment instigated by employer, and consent for travel cancellation by employment office in case of commencement of employment.